Monday, May 12, 2014

Exterminating Angel Mini Blog Tour

Last Monday, my paranormal m/m angel romance Exterminating Angel released from Kensington Publishing's Lyrical Press imprint. I'd done a post earlier outlining a Tarot reading I'd done for Zaphkiel and Sean, and that I ended up using in the story.

But no blog tour. It just didn't turn out. So, being the adaptable, resourceful person I am, I asked authors if I could guest blog on their sites. In return, I offered to open my blog to them as a way of paying it forward.

Here is the tentative schedule:

May 13: On the Dark Side of Love (Mimi Sebastian)

May 13: Unwritten (Mysti Parker)

Other bloggers who've been kind enough to offer to host me are Laken Cane, Juli D. Revezzo, and Jamieson Wolf. No dates have been established, but I appreciate their willingness to open their blogs to me. And a shout out to Daisy Banks, Mimi Sebastian, Mysti Parker, and Veronica Scott, who also were kind enough to let me share their space. 

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