Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year, New Opportunities

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These are exciting times, filled with new opportunities. Many of you may already know this, but for those of you who don't, my publisher, Lyrical Press, is now an imprint of Kensington Publishing Corp. You can read the press release here.

I'm excited for Lyrical's future and mine, too. :-) I'm working on focusing on my writing and not letting myself be distracted by other people's successes. It's hard to keep pursuing one's goal when it seems everyone else around you is more successful, but life isn't fair, right? The best thing is to keep persisting, never give up if it's something you really want. And sometimes it seems being patient pays off, although we're not always aware of the future. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing? :-)

One of the ways I'm working to improve my art is doing the exercise in The Artist's Way (Julia Cameron) and surrounding myself with positive people.

Call them goals or resolutions, this year I'm not letting anyone impede mine. I'm not listening to the naysayers. One of my favorite authors is Sherrilyn Kenyon, and she's an inspiration to me because she never gave up. Maybe I've had a lot of setbacks, but that may be a good thing. (Although I'll admit it doesn't seem that way when it feels like you're getting kicked down on a regular basis. You can choose to lie there or you can get back up. Trust me, I've got the emotional scars and bruises from hitting the concrete on the proverbial school of hard knocks face first.)

So, here's to kicking 2013 out the door and making way for new friends, new opportunities, and having a damn good time along the way.