Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop Stop


Hi everyone, I’ve been tagged by Sonya Clark to participate in The Next Big Thing blog hop. Today is my day to post about one of my works in progress or a book you may not have heard of yet. (In my case, that would be short stories.) Considering I have a number of manuscripts in various stages of production, I thought I’d talk about the one that’s closest to being ready for submission. 

What is the title of your book?
The working title is The Zaphkiel Project. But I’ll probably call it Zaphkiel. I have had other names for it over the years, most of which are unprintable.

Where did the idea come from for the book?
I don’t remember. I guess when I was wondering what would happen if an angel unwittingly let loose a demon on a city, and the consequences that would follow.

What genre does your book fall under?
Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Dark Suspense

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Good question. I’m partial to British actors. Benedict Cumberbatch as Lucifer and Laurence Fox as Sean/Caliel would be two choices. But I’ve no idea who would play Zaphkiel or Ophaniel. To be honest, I’m more interested in having my stories turned into graphic novels.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
When an archangel unleashes a demon upon a city, he must enlist Lucifer’s help to stop it.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Not sure. I plan to submit the book to digital publishers, but self-publishing’s also an option.  

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Can’t remember. Can’t even remember when I started it. I think I’m on draft nine now, but that’s a guess.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Maybe Thomas E. Sniegoski’s angel urban fantasies and Kaori Yuki’s Angel Sanctuary. To be honest, I don’t read books in my genre when I’m working on a project. I don’t want to become influenced. However, Dark Halo (Christopher Kokoski), Demon’s Night (Guido Henkel), and Halo of the Damned (Dina Rae) might be similar books. (They’re on my TBR list.)

Who or What inspired you to write this book?
Inspector Lewis. Seems incongruous, I know. There was an episode which mentioned the Venus Transit and that fit one of my characters so well, I decided to make the Transit part of the story. Now, I’m debating whether or not I want to change that aspect.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
I twist preconceived notions of good and evil. Also, Lucifer seems to be a popular character, at least among the people who’ve beta read the story.  

These are the people I’m tagging for The Next Big Thing Blog Hop. No obligation or purchase necessary. :-)


Unknown said...

Hi Pam, I see the next big thing is still going strong. I was tagged for it quite a few months ago. I found out I'm being tagged for a repeat performance. lol.

Nice answers, the book sounds intriguing.

Patricia said...

Lucifer as an integral character ought to make for a great read.

Linda Bell said...

Very interesting. I'd live to read it when it's out.
Savvy Linda Bell

PamelaTurner said...

Thanks, Patti and Linda. Glad you enjoyed it. :-) I hope to submit it next month. It's been sitting on my computer HD for a couple of years now.

Sara Durham Writer ~ Author said...

Hi Pamela,

Having written an angel and demon novel myself, this sounds like a particularly interesting premise. I wish you the best of luck with whatever publishing path you take. A Graphic novel sounds cool:)

Thanks for sharing!

Cheers, Sara

PamelaTurner said...

Thanks, Sara! Your book sounds interesting, too. I've written a few angel/demon stories, including Death Sword (Lyrical Press), which is supposed to be the first in a series, but I'm a slow writer. :-) At some point, I guess I should submit said stories.